2013 William Buckley Classic Results

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The 2013 William Buckley Classic Results

When: Saturday & Sunday October 26 & 27
Where we stay:  On course at The Peppers Resort Torquay
Where we play: 13th Beach Golf Links & The Sands Torquay
Round One: Beach Course (13th Beach), 12:00pm Saturday
Round Two: The Sands Torquay, 9:00am Sunday 
Who: You and your mates playing in two-ball ambrose teams
Entry coin: $370 for members ($390 non-members)
How to enter: Email  matt (at) bushrangergolf.com.au 

The eighth William Buckley Classic was held over the weekend of Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th of October 2013. The venue was the Beach Course at the superb 13th Beach Golf Links in Barwon Heads and The Sands Torquay Golf Course, just a spear chuck away from one of Buckley's regular homes on the banks of Bream Creek.

The accommodation was on-course at the luxurious Peppers Resort at The Sands Torquay and the format was 2-ball ambrose stableford over 36 challenging holes of golf. Below we see the 2013 William Buckley Classic champions, Gavan Doran & Neil Hocking, posing down with The Murrangurk Perpetual Trophy after the presentation ceremony.


Click here to check out all the Old-School BRG Picasa Galleries (up to 2014).

The tournament was contested in great spirit and featured a couple of super tough golf courses in top condition. The competition was just as tight as previous years with another very tight finish and just three shots separating the top five teams. The title was still on the line right down to the last putt on the final hole with a big bunch chasing the leaders and trying to reel them in. In the finish, there was a one-shot margin as we have had so many times in the WBC. When the dust had settled and the scorer had set down his abacus, it was Hocks & The Rose who took out the title in a thrilling finish after they nailed the winning putt from four feet on the final hole. It was a joyous celebration for the pair clinching the title for the first time in many attempts after having teamed up in the very first WBC in 2006. The final placings were:



Day One

Day Two




Neil Hocking
Gavan Doran

38 points

36 points

74 points

- 2


John Walkington
Grant Gains

38 points

35 points

73 points

- 1

= 3rd

Ian Crotty
Tomm Cassidy

35 points

37 points

72 points


= 3rd

Joel Matthews
Mark Rosewall

36 points

36 points

72 points


= 5th

Bob Spicer
Joe Bugeja

36 points

35 points

71 points

+ 1

= 5th

Matthew Pitt
Richard Fellner

35 points

36 points

71 points

+ 1

= 7th

Rob Lugton
Shane Myers

34 points


69 points

+ 3

= 7th

Paul Gray
Frank Reynolds

35 points

34 points

69 points



Darren Nelson
Ken Cattanach

33 points

35 points

68 points

+ 4


Arkin Lokman
Phil Bell

32 points

32 points

64 points

+ 8


Nearest the Pin: Day 1:

Arkin Lokman 

Longest Drive: Day 1:

Mark Roewall

Nearest the Pin: Day 2:

Richard Fellner

Longest Drive: Day 2:

Arkin Lokman

Best Dressed:

Rob Lugton, Joel Matthews
and Richard Fellner