Official GOLF Link Handicaps from BRG & Social Golf Australia
Official golf handicaps through Bushranger Golf (BRG), which is owned by Social Golf Australia (SGA), were originally offered in 2007 through the Golf Access Australia (GAA) programme which was a joint initiative of Golf Australia, its Member States and the Australian Sports Commission to increase participation in golf and provide a pathway to golf club membership in Australia.
In 2012 the handicapping landscape in Australia changed with the rollback of the GAA program and, at the suggestion of Golf Australia, Bushranger Golf shifted affiliation to Golf Victoria via the Victorian Golf League (VGL). As a bona fide VGL member club, some of the conditions of the former GAA program no longer applied.
In late 2014, SGA founded The SGA Golf Club to be a national handicap provider under the SGA brand. BRG and SGA are both national handicap providers offering official golf handicaps and GOLF Link numbers to golfers in every State and Territory of Australia. The SGA Golf Club launched in late 2014 offering official golf handicaps (with insurance) for $95 for 12 months.

We aim to offer a streamlined, efficient and cost-effective process for Australian golfers to access and maintain an official golf handicap. Golfers around Australia can access an official golf handicap in just three easy steps:
1. Complete the SGA Golf Club Online Handicap Application
2. Submit three (or more) signed scorecards OR your previous GOLF Link number
3. Make the $95 annual payment to Social Golf Australia
The Benefits of an official golf handicap with The SGA Golf Club
Official golf handicap and insurance for 12 monhs for just $95
Your own official GOLF Link handicap swipe card.
A starter pack with rules, etiquette and general information.
Access to GOLF Link, Golf Australia's national online handicapping system.
A valid Australian affiliate handicap for one year from the date SGA registers you with GOLF Link.
Coverage through Golf Australia's Personal Insurance Plan (PIP) which includes cover for loss and damage of clubs, personal liability and personal accident insurance. Note that limits apply to the insurance cover.
Official golf handicaps still offered through Bushranger Golf
Social Golf Australia owns and operates Bushranger Golf (BRG), Australia's largest online social golf club with over 2500 members. Official handicaps are still available through BRG for just $110 for golfers around Australia so BEG Members maintaining a handicap with BRG are not obliged to transfer to The SGA Golf Club. Since 2007, Bushranger has provided over 1200 golfers around Australia an official handicap in just four easy steps:
1. Become a member with BRG (membership is free)
2. Apply by answering the Handicap Questions
3. Submit three (or more) signed scorecards
4. Make the $110 annual payment
Bushranger Golf (BRG) partnered with Golf Australia in 2007 to offer official Australian handicaps around Australia through the Golf Access Australia (GAA) and GOLF Link systems. Handicaps are available for $110 per annum to any BRG member. In 2013, with the rollback of the Golf Access system, BRG switched affiliation to the Victorian Golf League (VGL) and Golf Victoria.
Your official golf handicap through BRG comes with a GOLF Link number and Golf Australia's personal Insurance Plan - golf specific insurance with $20 million of coverage. Your handicap and GOLF Link number gives you access to official golf competitions around Australia and online monitoring of your handicap progress through the GOLF Link system. We have provided over 800 golfers around Australia an official handicap in just four easy steps:
Send your previous GOLF Link number and/or three signed scorecards to Bushranger Golf.
Make the payment of $110 to Bushranger Golf
The benefits of an official golf handicap through BRG:
Your own official GOLF Link handicap swipe card.
A starter pack with rules, etiquette and general information.
Access to GOLF Link, Golf Australia’s national online handicapping system.
Four annual magazines from Golf Victoria featuring golf industry updates & information.
A valid Australian affiliate handicap for one year from the date BRG registers you with GOLF Link.
Coverage through Golf Australia’s Personal Insurance Plan (PIP) which includes cover for loss and damage of clubs, personal liability and personal accident insurance. Note that limits apply to the insurance cover.
The Four Steps to get a Handicap through BRG
1. Become a member with Bushranger Golf: go to the BRG Member Registration page.
You need to be a BRG member to qualify to receive an official Handicap through the club. Membership is free and can be completed in just a few minutes. To learn more about member benefits, go to the Membership page.
2. Submit your answers to the Handicap Questions: email responses to matt (at)
1. First name:
2. Middle initial:
3. Surname:
4. Gender:
5. DOB (dd/mm/yyyy):
6. Email address:
7. Postal address:
8. Suburb:
9. Postcode:
10. State:
11. Home phone:
12. Mobile phone:
13. Are you a member of Bushranger Golf? If yes, what is your user-name?
14. Have you previously held an official Australian golf handicap? If yes:
a) What was the club?
b) When did your handicap/membership lapse?
c) What was your GOLF Link number?
d) What was your last exact handicap?
15. Have you read and do you accept the Golf Australia's and BRG's Terms and Conditions for issuing an official Golf Australia handicap to be maintained on the GOLF Link system?
3. Submit your three (or more) signed scorecards OR your previous GOLF Link number:
Players getting a handicap for the first time need to submit three signed scorecards. Players who have held a handicap previously and have a GOLF Link number need to submit their GOLF Link number and may not need to submit cards if their last handicap was recent. when submitting cards, the details we need clearly visible on the cards are:
Your name
The score for each hole
The date of the game
The marker's signature
The name of the course
The tees you played from
If any of these aren't clear, please write them on the card yourself before submitting. Your options for sending are:
Mail the originals or photocopies to: PO Box 261, Heathcote, Vic, 3523
Fax copies to Bushranger Golf on (03) 5433 3530
Scan or photograph the cards and email to matt (at)
4. Make your $110 payment to BRG
Mail a cheque to Bushranger Golf (to PO Box 261, Heathcote, Vic, 3523)
Call through credit card details (VISA & MC only and a 2% fee applies)
EFT or direct deposit (with your name in the payment reference) to:
Bushranger Golf
Bendigo Bank
BSB 633000
Account Number 130203821
Once all the above details are completed, we will calculate your initial handicap and enter your details on the GOLF Link system. We will email your GOLF Link number and handicap to you, which will be active immediately. GOLF Link will send you out a GOLF Link card as fast as they can make their hamster spin the wheel in their card duplicator (it usually takes a week or two but has been known to take longer). However, once you have your GOLF Link number, your handicap is valid and active so you can play in competitions before your card arrives.
What happens next?
Once you have emailed answers to the Handicap Questions, we will reply by email to confirm we have received your application and to arrange how you will submit the three scorecards (by mail, fax or email). Once we have received your scorecards and payment, we can then calculate and activate your handicap and enter your details on the GOLF Link system. We do this as soon as possible - often the same day and always within a few working days and then email you all the information you require including your GOLF Link number and handicap. When we activate your handicap, this process automatically generates your GOLF Link Membership handicap card that will be mailed to you by GOLF Link. If you have any questions, contact the BRG handicapper, Matthew Pitt via matt (at)

Additional info about official golf Handicaps through BRG
To obtain your first handicap, you need three scorecards signed by a golfer affiliated with Australian golf (this includes members of Golf Australia affiliated clubs - such as Bushranger Golf). The signatures on the cards attest that the score is true and correct and that the round was played according to the rules of golf. Handicaps allocated through BRG are not on a pro rata basis - your handicap and golf insurance is valid for 12 months from the date you are registered on GOLF Link and that date becomes your annual handicap renewal date.
A little about GOLF Link (from the Golf Australia website)
GOLF Link is Golf Australia's national computerised golf handicapping system. It started officially in January 1999 and golf club members who are not yet online are eagerly awaiting the introduction of the GOLF Link into their own club. The GOLF Link system is a world first. Members use a plastic "swipe" card to access handicaps from their Club PC, at golf clubs around Australia. The swipe card is used to confirm and update handicaps, verify club memberships and enter competitions. The centralised system is overseen by Golf Australia and replaces existing club-based handicap systems. All golfers will be issued with a handicap card which is used by club systems to identify the golfer to the national handicapping system.
The major benefits of implementing GOLF Link are:
Uniform method of identification
Automatic return of visitors’ scores
Consistent application of handicapping rules
Verification of each visitor’s membership and handicap
Special offers for golfers
In mid 2002, Golf Australia, Member States and clubs re-evaluated the project and it was agreed that a minimal fee be introduced, to clubs utilizing the service, to cover the cost of the project. The fee agreed to was a charge to clubs of $2.50 (plus GST) per affiliated member. This allowed the upgrade of the system to more modern hardware & software including the development of a fully internet based system. The implementation of this new system commenced in mid 2003 and was rolled out to participating clubs by mid 2005. The system covers 80% (or more) of Australia’s club membership. This fee is covered in the fee of $105. For more information on the Golf Link system, click here for the GOLF Link website.